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Tel: 07967 536152


SWAO was set up by NHS Psychotherapist Louise Westley after 15 years of seeing first-hand the incredible difference that can be made to improve Health and Wellbeing with the right information and intervention at the right time, and in the right place.

Our core goal at SWAO is the championing of personal and collective Health and Wellbeing and assisting the wider prevention of mental health problems. As humans when we feel good in our Self, secure in our World And connected to Others “SWAO”, we perform better, make better decisions and are more fulfilled personally and professionally.

At SWAO we target these specific areas through Training, Workshops, Wellbeing Strategy and Consultancy, and appropriate evidence-based Therapies/interventions. By partnering with Workplaces and Education settings we aim to get helpful information and intervention to as many humans in the most accessible way.

Following our set up only 3 weeks before the National lockdown our NHS based work rightly became our focus and so we diverted to the National Covid relief efforts. Amazingly despite this, we have seen our SWAO client base and reputation build, with us counting elite Team GB Athletes and members of Senior Leadership Teams amongst our growing client base.

We also successfully secured our first contract providing evidence-based Therapies, Consultancy and Training to a Residential Care Group for vulnerable children and young people, with complex mental health problems. We now look forward to further developing our SWAO initiatives to keep the Health and Wellbeing of our selves, World, and our fellow humans at the forefront of our collective minds.

What We Do

Services include:

  • Health & Wellness
  • Training & Workshops
  • Wellbeing Strategy
  • Therapy and Interventions